Tracking our Inters progress on film

Last week we took the opportunity to film some of our Inters, so they could review their dances and continue to make improvements.

There are several reasons why it’s important to film dances. Firstly, filming a dance allows the dancer to review and analyse their performance. By watching a recording of their dance, they can identify areas where they need to improve and make necessary adjustments to their technique or choreography.

Secondly, filming a dance serves as a valuable tool for our teachers. By reviewing footage of their dancers, they can provide constructive feedback and make necessary changes to the choreography or technique.

Finally, filming a dance can serve as a record of a dancer’s progress and achievements. It is a great way to document our dancer’s journies and provide a sense of pride and accomplishment in their hard work and dedication to the art form.

At Dance Central, we are always looking for innovative ways to push our dancers to be the best they can be.


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